About the Journal
Journal of Protected Areas Research
e-ISSN: 2822-2733
Aims and Scope
Journal of Protected Areas Research (JoPAR) is the first scientific and peer-reviewed international e-journal on the subject in Turkey. It is published twice a year.
Original research articles and review articles on all aspects of NATURAL and CULTURAL PROTECTED AREAS are accepted in JoPAR, which is published online.
Today, protected areas with natural and cultural characteristics are increasing numerically and spatially. However, there are multifaceted problems in terms of discourse and action in legal, ecological, social, cultural, economic, planning, administrative, and political dimensions related to protected areas at national and international scales.
The main aims of JoPAR are the conceptual and theoretical framework, legal situation, planning, design, implementation, management, and processes related to NATURAL and CULTURAL PROTECTED AREAS, as well as scientific, artistic, ecological, social, cultural, economic, philosophical, tourism, technology. To encourage scientific research and publish qualified articles by considering them from different perspectives.
In this context, it is aimed to make JoPAR an accessible, shareable, international, high quality and original Journal platform that can be discussed with all relevant components such as ensuring nature and environmental protection and sustainability, raising awareness of nature and environmental protection, etc.
The journal mainly addresses the following topics; Conservation and Protection, Preservation, Natural Protected Areas, Cultural Protected Areas, Ecology, Biodiversity, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Recreation, Visitor Management, Sustainability, Wildlife, Wild animals & Wild plants, Global Warming and Climate Change, Ecosystem, Landscape Repair (Restoration, Rehabilitation, Reclamation), Urban Conservation & Revitalization, Rural Conservation & Revitalization, Human Health& Well-being, Archaeology, and others.....
Journal of Protected Areas Research (JoPAR) is an open-access journal. JoPAR has adopted the policy of providing open access to its publication. Open access increases the global exchange of information and has beneficial consequences for humanity. Accordingly, JoPAR supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative, which was adopted on 12 September 2012. Policies determined under the Budapest Open Access Initiative are available at https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-translations/turkish-translation
There are no article submission or publishing fees for authors on JoPAR; there are no shipping or page fees.
The journal uses the double-blind peer-review process.
All works published in the journal comply with the “YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive” provisions and the relevant legislation and ethical principles published by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE). ETHICS COMMITTEE PERMISSION will be mandatory for articles to be published in the journal, for publications starting in 2020.
A maximum of 15% "Similarity Rate" is required using the TURNITIN program (https://www.turnitin.com/tr).
Current Issue
Full Issue
Research Articles
Review Article
Journal of Protected Areas Research (JoPAR) e-ISSN: 2822-2733
JoPAR is the first scientific and peer-reviewed international e-journal on the subject in Turkey. It is published twice a year.
Original research articles and review articles on all aspects of NATURAL and CULTURAL PROTECTED AREAS are accepted in JoPAR, which is published online.
Today, protected areas with natural and cultural characteristics are increasing numerically and spatially. However, there are multifaceted problems in terms of discourse and action in legal, ecological, social, cultural, economic, planning, administrative and political dimensions related to protected areas at national and international scale.
The main aims of JoPAR is the conceptual and theoretical framework, legal situation, planning, design, implementation, management, processes related to NATURAL and CULTURAL PROTECTED AREAS, as well as scientific, artistic, ecological, social, cultural, economic, philosophical, tourism, technology. To encourage scientific research and publish qualified articles by considering them from different perspectives.
In this context, it is aimed to make JoPAR an accessible, shareable, international, high quality and original Journal platform that can be discussed with all relevant components such as ensuring nature and environmental protection and sustainability, raising awareness of nature and environmental protection, etc.
The journal mainly addresses the following topics:
- Conservation and Protection,
- Preservation
- Natural Protected Areas,
- Cultural Protected Areas,
- Ecology,
- Biodiversity,
- Cultural Heritage,
- Tourism,
- Recreation
- Visitor Management
- Sustainability
- Wildlife
- Wild animals & Wild plants
- Global warming and Climate change
- Ecosystems
- Landscape repair (Restoration, Rehabilition, Reclamation
- Urban Conservation & Revitalization
- Rural Conservation & Revitalization
- Human health& Well-being
- Archaeology
- And others.....
There are no article submission or publishing fees for authors on JoPAR; Also, there are no shipping fees or page fees. A maximum of 15% "Similarity Rate" is required using the TURNITIN program (https://www.turnitin.com/tr).
The journal uses the double-blind peer-review process.
All works published in the journal comply with the provisions of the “YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive” and the relevant legislation and ethical principles published by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE). ETHICS COMMITTEE PERMISSION will be mandatory for articles to be published in the journal, for publications starting in 2020.
You can upload your articles to the system for the first issue of 2021.