“01.03.2023 tarih ve 241 sayı ile TBMM Başkanlığı’na Sunulan Orman Kanunu ve Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Teklifinin” İrdelenmesi
"Examination of the Law Proposal on the Amendment of the Forestry Law and Certain Laws Submitted to the Presidency of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye (TBMM) with the Date 01.03.2023 and Number 241
6831 Sayılı Orman Yasası, Orman köyleri, Forest Law No. 6831, Forest villagesAbstract
The first forest law of the Republic of Turkey numbered 3116 was promulgated in 1937. It has been amended 54 times since its promulgation until today. In almost all of these amendments, the opinions of interest groups were not taken. Almost all of the interest groups do not have any information about the amendment issues analysed in this study. In this study, the original form of the article of the law to be amended and the proposed amendment form are presented. Our expert opinions on the amendment are included. The "justification" provided by the legislator for the proposal has been accepted as a separate subject of evaluation. Positive and negative developments have occurred in the amendment proposals and justification has been presented for the amendments that are foreseen to have negative consequences. It was also emphasised what kind of proposal should be defended instead of these proposals.
Anonim. (1956). Orman Kanunu (son şekli) 08.09.1956 tarih 9402 sayılı Resmî Gazete, Ankara.
Anonim. (2004). Türk Ceza Kanunu, 12.10.2004 tarih ve 25611 sayılı Resmî Gazete, Ankara.
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