Examination of Model Initiatives for Smart Parking Performance Measurement

Akıllı Park Performans Ölçümüne Yönelik Model Girişimlerinin İrdelenmesi



Smart park, performance measurement, smart park model


This study addresses the model initiatives developed to evaluate the performance of smart urban parks. Smart parks are systems that optimize the management and usability of green spaces in cities with the help of technology. However, how the performance of these parks should be measured remains a significant issue. In this article, three different model initiatives previously conducted were examined and compared. The strengths and weaknesses of each model were evaluated, and the metrics used in performance measurement were analyzed. The aim of the study is to develop model proposals for accurately and sustainably measuring the performance of smart parks. The results provide suggestions for future studies.


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How to Cite

Gül, A. G., & Akten, M. . (2024). Examination of Model Initiatives for Smart Parking Performance Measurement: Akıllı Park Performans Ölçümüne Yönelik Model Girişimlerinin İrdelenmesi. Journal of Protected Areas Research, 3(2), 155–170. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14544567. Retrieved from https://mimarlikbilimleri.com/ojs/index.php/journalofprotectedareasresearch/article/view/48



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