Eco-Labels in theContextof ResponsibleTourism: The Case of Blue Flag
Sorumlu Turizm Kapsamında Eko Etiketler: Mavi Bayrak Örneği
ResponsibleTourism, , SustainableTourism, , Eco-Labels, , Blue FlagAbstract
Tourism, which is the third-largest export in the world and has a crucial place in many countries. Worldwide rapid population growth, mass and uncontrolled tourism movements are threatening the tourism sector, which is based on nature and the environment. In this context, such as sustainability and responsible tourism concepts have taken importance in the last years. Some businesses and institutions that want to prove their responsible attitudes with documents have started to turn to eco-label programs. With eco-labels, the main purpose is encouraged consumers are preferred products that do not harm the environment, while manufacturers produce environmentally friendly products. This eco-label development studies started in the tourism sector first with the blue flag which born in 1985, managed by the International Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). As for Turkey, achievers earn the Blue Flag Awards firstly in 1994. The representative of the Blue Flag Awards in Turkey is the Turkish Environmental Education Foundation (TÜRÇEV). In this article, mentioned that the concepts of responsible tourism, sustainable tourism and eco-label which is seen as one of the most important international environmental awards, because it is the first of the eco-labels: the Blue Flag.
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