Determination of Criteria and Importance Levels for Prioritization of Protected Areas

Korunan Alanların Önceliklendirilmesinde Kullanılabilecek Ölçütler ve Önemlilik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi



Protected areas, assessment criteria, importance levels, nature conservation, biodiversity


Protected areas form the basis of the most effective operational tools of national and international conservation strategies to protect and sustain natural and cultural resource values. This study aimed to score the essential criteria and sub-criteria according to the importance of identifying and prioritizing new protected areas. For this purpose, a 5 Likert scoring technique was applied to 30 experts. As a result, seven essential criteria and 37 sub-criteria that can be used in the prioritization process of protected areas according to their weight scores were determined. The main criteria are listed as natural values (0.32), social and cultural values (0.26), spatial values (0.11), negative criteria (pressures and threats) (0.09), legal, administrative and political situation (0.07), economic values (0.06), research and development potential (0.06). With the seven essential criteria and 37 sub-criteria developed in this study, a decision support tool based on a straightforward, fast, and scientific approach that can mainly serve planners, practitioners, and decision-makers according to the importance levels of protected areas has been created.


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How to Cite

Gül, A., Gül, H. E. ., & Gül, S. E. . (2024). Determination of Criteria and Importance Levels for Prioritization of Protected Areas : Korunan Alanların Önceliklendirilmesinde Kullanılabilecek Ölçütler ve Önemlilik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi . Journal of Protected Areas Research, 3(2), 113–140, Retrieved from



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