Kentlerin İklim Değişikliğine Uyum Sağlanmasında Yerel Yönetimlerin Rolü
The Role of Local Governments in Adapting Cities to Climate Change
İklim değişikliği, İklim değişikliğine uyum, Yerel yönetimler, Climate change, Adaptation to climate change, Local governmentsAbstract
Cities consume a large portion (between 60-80%) of the global energy produced from industrial activities for activities such as lighting, heating, cooling and transportation. Reasons such as the excess of impermeable surfaces in cities, the use of dark-coloured materials that absorb solar energy, and the decrease in open and green areas cause changes in the microclimate and cause the city to be 3.5-4.5 °C warmer on average than the surrounding rural areas. These effects negatively affect cities, increasing the frequency of floods and extreme weather events, and threatening urban life, including public health and food distribution systems. The negative effects of climate change on cities are determined by the magnitude of climate change and the society's capacity to react and take precautions. IPCC (2007), when addressing the impacts of climate change, mitigation and adaptation measures need to be included in decision-making processes as complementary and indivisible approaches. In this regard, the article discusses the strategies that need to be implemented in cities to adapt to climate change and minimize its effects at regional and local scales.
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